Home Woodworking lawn chair addendum lawn chair addendum Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp In the lawn chair video I did not get a chance to show how I glued everything together, and how the spring system under the chair works to give the back support. In this addendum I show the above as well and putting on the final finish. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Woodworking Making A New Mallet House Projects Garage Storage Drawers Part 2 Woodworking Making A Kiwi Trellis - Advertisement -Wood Turning Wood Turning a Football Wood Turned Bamboo Death Star Segmented Woodturning and the Pantorouter Wood Turned Plum Bowl Load more Woodworking Woodworking Wood Turned Maple Bowl Woodworking lawn chair addendum Woodworking Studio Jelly: Part 1: The Railing Woodworking Studio Jelly Part 3 tables and benches